Everyone is concerned with the potential effects of a bankruptcy on
their careers.

The law states that federal and state employers cannot discriminate
against individuals based on bankruptcy. This includes employment
as well as licenses, permits, and student loans. A private employer
also cannot terminate or discriminate in employment based on

This is the law. But what about reality? I ask our clients to come back
in the years after a bankruptcy and tell me anything very good or very
bad that happens so that I can pass this information on to the next
generation of clients. I have had three clients in ten years who
thought the filing of the bankruptcy affected their employment. The
first was a person who thought that he was being denied a
promotion within a private security company due to bankruptcy. He
later received the promotion without any steps taken by this office.
The second was a bank teller who was denied a new job in
Washington state. I have never had a bank teller denied employment
in the state of Alaska. And, finally, a client who was a bank officer at
a local bank could not do credit lending during her 3 year
bankruptcy. She did not lose her job and is now doing fine. For the
record, I have put countless bank persons in bankruptcy, from tellers
to mortgage lenders to bank officers. People in all fields of life suffer
financial disasters.

You must also consider whether bankruptcy is better for your career
than not being able to pay your debts. Obviously, calls to your
employer from credit collectors can result in job related problems
including termination. Again, be realistic concerning whether you can
pay your debts off in a reasonable period of time.